Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Cooking Shows

While I'm avoiding writing my final paper for History of American Business, I'm sitting here watching The Cooking Channel.  I haven't watched a cooking show on TV in ages and I'm really enjoying them(maybe too much considering that paper I have to write...).  I'm learning a lot of new ideas and recipes to make(will post some soon).  My take away from today's TV time:  use honey instead of sugar whenever you can.  It is less processed, less calories, and less bad stuff.  Also, it tastes really good :)  So, my new goal(after I make real pasta salad) is to make something with honey instead of sugar.  

What are your favorite cooking shows?  


  1. Sarah Gurtler OgdenJune 13, 2010 at 1:48 PM

    Another benefit to honey: if it's local, it can help with seasonal allergies. You might also enjoy checking out rapadura or sucanant which are less refined sugars. They are a powder just like regular sugar which makes them a super easy substite for regular sugar(I would only worry about subbing in baking pastries). They are made from sugar cane, but they are less refined and still contain molasses. The molasses contains lot of vitamins and minerals.

  2. That sounds great! I'll have to check those out! I'm planning on making my no sugar added recipe tomorrow :)
