Sunday, July 8, 2012

cooking from the garden

Wow, it's been a few weeks since I've posted anything!  My garden has been growing a lot in the past few weeks and I'm really excited about this update - I FINALLY get to start cooking from my very own garden.  There is really something special about growing your own food and then eating it.

Here is a picture of today's harvest:

About 2 pounds of green beans and one good sized zucchini! 
What am I going to do with all these fresh veggies?!  With the zucchini, I am going to make chocolate chip zucchini bread.  I love this bread; it is great for breakfast or a snack and is also very good for you.  

I will probably just end up blanching most of the green beans and eating them that way.  Green beans are my favorite vegetable, and I would love to grow them again next year.  Today, I harvested some of the green bean seeds for next year.  Harvesting your own seeds is a great money saver! 

Harvesting seeds!
To harvest green bean seeds, just split the bean in half, being careful not to damage the seeds.  Remove the seeds and set on a paper towel to dry.  Once dry, store in an air tight bag or container.  Remember to label your seeds!

Since green beans are my favorite vegetable, I want to preserve some of them to have in the fall and winter.  I've been canning for a few years now, but I have never canned green beans.  I did a little research and everything I found said that pressure cooker canning is the best method for canning green beans.  I don't have a pressure cooker, so I just hot water bath canned them.  I put a little salt and a garlic clove in the can.  This time I just did one can to see how it would turn out.  My hot water bath canning seemed to work well, but I cannot recommend it because it is not approved by the USDA.

my test run for canning green beans.
next time I will try and pack more beans in the can.

The pants in my garden are growing very nicely.  Here is an update in pictures: 

Sunflowers are blooming!  My favorite! 

green beans are doing very well!
 I will be canning a lot more, there is no way I can eat them all now.

Baby cucumber starting to grow

lots of tomatoes!  can't wait for these to get ripe 

green peppers are starting to grow! 

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